Having Problems with Ping-O-Matic and Firefox?

I just started using Ping-O-Matic, a service for broadcasting your ping to multiple other ping services at the push of a button.

The problem is there’s something wrong with Pingomatic.com and Firefox (and IE in some instances). I can successfully submit the first feed, but when submitting the next feed the form breaks and I can only see the first input box for the Blog name.

Not nice…

I found a post at Jaypee Online discussing the Ping O Matic problems at length. The solution they provided, to clear the cookies for Ping-O-Matic, I didn’t like that too much, it’s a hassle clearing the cookies for a specific site only. And I don’t want to clear all cookies having to fill in my details at a million sites again.

My solution:  As I normally use Firefox for my surfing, I now use Internet Explorer for Ping-O-Matic. And even though the version of Internet Explorer I use have the exact same problem, I can now clear ALL cookies. As I don’t use IE for anything else it’s not a problem that the other cookies are wiped as collateral damage.

So when I need to submit a feed, I open IE, hit Tools->Internet Options and Delete… I then hit Delete again and I’m done. I can now go to Ping-O-Matic and submit my next feed.

Back in Firefox my cookies are not changed as I did the delete in Internet Explorer.

TIP: If your version of Internet Explorer does not experience this problem or if you have another browser, like Chrome, you can use that browser for your Ping-O-Matic submissions and use Firefox for everything else.

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5 Responses to “Having Problems with Ping-O-Matic and Firefox?”

  1. The problem seems to be intermittent within a span of months. I just wrote a post about this yesterday, http://www.noone-special.com/2010/04/pinging-pingomatic-com/, and now it seems to be fixed.

    I think the solution for everyone would be to code their own script to automatically submit their pings other than waiting for pingomatic to break down every now and then.

  2. I cleared my firefox cookies and now ping-o-matic is working fine. Thanks for sharing this article.
    Roshan recently posted..Top 100 Ping Submission Sites of 2017 For Faster IndexingMy Profile


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